- Alternative Medicine 2
- Anxiety 3
- Borderline Personality Disorder 1
- CBT 8
- Cancer 3
- Child Therapy 2
- Child/adolescent 17
- Children and Teens 1
- DBT 4
- Depression 3
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy 3
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 1
- Diet 5
- EMDR 1
- Eating and Body Image 3
- Exercise and Movement 3
- Gender and Sexuality 3
- Happiness 1
- Inflammation 3
- Integrative psychiatry 5
- Ketamine 7
- Ketamine Assisted Therapy 2
- Ketamine-Assisted Therapy 5
- Life Goals 1
- Med Management 1
- Medication 1
- Mental Health 7
- Mind Body 2
- Mind Body Therapies 6
- Mind body 5
- Mood Disorders 1
- Nature and Climate 1
- Neuroscience 1
- PTSD 1
- Parenting 1
- Physical Health 1
- Positivity 1
- Psychopharmacology 1
- SAD 1
- Therapy Methods 1
- Trauma 1
- Treatment Methods 1
- Workplace Wellness 1
- anxiety 5
- career 1
- community 3
- couples counseling 2
- depression 11
- dialogue 2
- food and mental health 5
- ADHD 2
- CBT 14
- CPP 1
- CRP 2
- Celiac disease 1
- Child 2
- Chinese medicine 1
- Chronic Illness 1
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 1
- Compassion 2
- DBT 5
- DHA 1
- EMDR 4
- EPA 1
- Gottman Method 1
- IBS 2
- Inflammation 4
- Integrative Medicine 26
- Irritable bowel syndrome 1
- KAP 5
- Keto 1
- MBT-C 1
- PTSD 4
- Psychopharmacology 1
- SSRIs 1
- VR 1
- academic performance 1
- acceptance and commitment therapy 1
- act 1
- acupuncture 4
- adaptive coping skils 1
- addiction 4
- adolescent 3
- adolescents 1
- aging 1
- alcoholism 1
- allergies 1
- amplification 1
- anger management 1
- anti-inflammatory 1
- antidepressant 2
- antidepressants 1
- anxiety 15
- anxiety disorder 2
- anxiety disorders 2
- anxiety in children 2
- apologize 1
- apology 1
- artificial sweetener 1
Enhancing Workplace Wellness: The Role of Mind-Body Therapies
A crucial component of this evolution is the increasing recognition of mind-body therapies in the realm of workplace wellness initiatives.
Orienting Toward the Body in the Therapy Room
Research is ongoing, studies are promising, and holistic treatment plans for children are becoming mainstream, and appear particularly promising in the areas of childhood anxiety, emotional dysregulation, impulsivity and even pain.
Integrative Mind-Body Therapies for Mental Health
Traditionally deemed as alternative or peripheral, practices like mindfulness, yoga, biofeedback, and the like are now securing a place in conventional healthcare settings.
Mind-Body Therapies for Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Conditions
These therapy methods can play a crucial role in helping children and adolescents establish healthy habits and attitudes that have a lifelong impact on them as they grow.
A Guide to Ketamine Treatment and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Sessions: From Initial Assessment to Integration
In this final piece of our series, we invite you to explore how ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) sessions are set up.
Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy to Treat Depression and Mood Disorder
Dialectical behavior therapy can teach skills and ways of being that can help someone get out of depression and build a life worth living.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with Adolescents
When an adolescent is struggling to cope with their various life circumstances and personal mental health challenges, they may benefit from therapy. If you are considering therapy for your adolescent, DBT would be an excellent option.
Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder
BPD is marked by a pattern of unstable moods, behavior, and self-image. It was named in part because individuals with this diagnosis seem to shift back and forth across a border.
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy: What It Is and How It Works
At its core, DBT aims to help clients develop skills that they can use to manage difficult emotions, tolerate distress, strengthen mindfulness skills, and improve their relationships.
Mindfulness: Effective Treatment for Trauma
A growing body of research supports mindfulness as an effective treatment approach for adults with PTSD
Mindfulness Increases Gray Matter Density
Studies suggest that mindfulness practices lead to an increase in gray matter concentration in parts of the brain that affect learning, memory, emotion regulation, self-referential processing and perspective taking.
3 Steps to Address Binge Eating
Eating a tub of ice cream after a breakup seems to be an accepted behavior in response to a stressful situation. However, it also reveals a relationship to food that, in excess, can be unhealthy. Here, Dr. Beata Lewis describes the signs of a binge eating disorder and offers tools for addressing it.