Eating & Body Concerns
Reclaim a healthy relationship with your body and food.
Obsessive thoughts about appearance, feelings of inadequacy or inferiority due to one’s weight, or belief that happiness will be attained once so much weight is lost - all of these thought patterns are products of toxic, idealized beauty standards. It is important to realize that you are not alone in this struggle against calories or against your body and that there are resources and support systems ready to help you reclaim a healthy relationship with your body and food.
Signs you may need help
Unusual restriction of food and calories
Putting too many restrictions on food and calories can have a number of negative health effects. Restricting food and calories can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food, as you might become overly anxious or anxious about eating certain foods, or you may feel guilty or ashamed when you do eat something.
Obsessive thoughts about food or the body
Having obsessive thoughts about food or the body can be a sign of disordered eating, leading to an unhealthy relationship between food and one's body. Obsessive thoughts may include comparing one's body to unrealistic images in the media, feeling inadequate due to one's weight, worrying that happiness will only be attained once a certain amount of weight is lost, and more.
Secrecy about eating behaviors
Secrecy about eating behaviors can be an indicator of an unhealthy relationship between food and your own body. People who keep their eating patterns and behaviors a secret often do so out of fear, shame, or guilt. This secrecy can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety which can eventually lead to more serious health consequences such as disordered eating.
Use of laxatives
The use of laxatives can be an indication of an unhealthy relationship with both food and one's body. Laxatives are a type of medication that works to help the intestines move waste out of the body, typically used in cases of constipation or incontinence. However, when used excessively or inappropriately, laxative misuse can lead to serious medical issues, including dehydration and electrolyte imbalances which can eventually lead to heart problems.
Purging after meals
Purging after meals is an incredibly unhealthy behavior that can cause serious health complications if not managed properly. Purging, which includes behaviors such as vomiting, laxative use, and extreme exercising after a meal, can cause electrolyte imbalances due to dehydration, damage to the esophagus from vomiting, and nutrient deficiencies from improperly absorbed food.
Intense fear of weight gain
Intense fear of weight gain can be a sign of an unhealthy relationship between food and one's own body. This fear can lead to extreme behaviors such as restrictive dieting, disordered eating, or even skipping meals altogether. Intense fear of weight gain can also cause an individual to become overly focused on their appearance and obsess over small changes in their weight. This intense fear of gaining weight can interfere with an individual's ability to enjoy life and take part in activities they once enjoyed, leading to feelings of isolation and depression.
Binging on food can be an indication of a serious disorder and an unhealthy relationship with food. Binge eating is characterized by frequent episodes of excessive and rapid eating, often in secret or in isolation. This can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and disgust which can worsen the situation. People who binge eat often experience difficulty controlling their eating habits and may feel powerless to stop despite being aware of the adverse health effects.
No matter what your struggle may be, it is important to recognize that you are not alone in this journey. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, pursuing treatment and addressing symptoms can be effective, life-changing, and even life-saving. Mind Body Seven clinicians can provide nutritional and dietary management, psychotherapy, family therapy, medical monitoring, and other forms of treatment that can help in overcoming eating disorders and disordered eating.
Major medical illness
Psychological stress often accompanies the diagnosis of a chronic medical illness such as an autoimmune condition or cancer. Emotional distress can undermine overall well-being and the ability to actively deal with the medical condition.
Facing a diagnosis of a medical illness can challenge how we see ourselves and lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sometimes the diagnosis may be difficult to accept and we may face a pattern of avoidance. The stress of a medical condition often affects the whole family, and when not addressed may undermine relationships. On the other hand, arriving at the acceptance of a medical condition and dealing with it well can bring tremendous personal growth and improvement in key relationships.