Anxiety Treatment
A small amount of anxiety is common to experience from time to time, but anxiety in excess can be disabling.
Worry, stress, insomnia, and physical tension can impair one’s life and productivity.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Individuals living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) frequently endure a relentless experience of unease and anxiousness regarding ordinary circumstances. At times, the stress can be disproportionate to what is happening around them. GAD sufferers often have difficulty managing their symptoms which may include:
Stress-induced muscle pain (chronic backache, sore shoulders)
Inability to focus
Phobias are intense fears that can completely overwhelm a person in certain situations. Such phobias, such as a fear of heights (acrophobia) or anxiety about being in crowds where one may not be able to easily escape (agoraphobia), can make simple tasks like working, socializing, or participating in recreational activities daunting for someone suffering from these types of disorders. This state of mind is disproportionate to any real danger present and can severely impair the lives of those afflicted by it. Symptoms common to phobias include:
Physical manifestations of fear including trembling, accelerated heart rate, queasiness, and feelings of panic.
As with panic disorder, physical symptoms of phobias may be similar. But, unlike panic attacks which can strike without warning, phobia episodes are generally triggered by a specific event or situation.
Irrational fear
Avoidance of the trigger which causes the fear
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is characterized by unexpected and intense bouts of fear that can arise without warning. These moments are often incredibly terrifying, prompting individuals to avoid potentially anxiety-inducing situations in the future. Panic attacks typically don't last long, but their effects linger. Common symptoms include:
Feeling disconnected from one’s surroundings
Chest pain
Heart palpitations
Nausea & dizziness
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder is a debilitating fear of being judged, mocked, or ostracized in social settings. It's more intense than just shyness and often leads to the sufferer avoiding workplaces, events, and performance situations that could be beneficial for them. When faced with these scenarios they can experience strong symptoms such as:
Difficulty breathing
Absent mind
Symptoms and Treatment
Panic attacks with severe anxiety and physical symptoms are a signal that anxiety is at a very high level and needs to be addressed. If left unaddressed, panic attacks can lead to other problems such as avoidance of places or activities. Often, symptoms of anxiety reveal an underlying fear of the future or fear of certain circumstances, like social situations or medical procedures.
There are many different treatments for anxiety, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, and mind-body treatments such as hypnotherapy and mindfulness.
Anxiety is one of the most common and most treatable mental health problems and several Mind Body Seven clinicians specialize in anxiety treatment.