How to Choose Between a Therapist and a Psychiatrist

Navigating the mental health landscape can be challenging, especially when deciding whether to see a therapist or a psychiatrist. Dr. Lewis provides insights on making this important decision, ensuring you receive the best care suited to your needs.

Understanding the Roles: Therapist vs. Psychiatrist

Therapist: A therapist, or psychotherapist, primarily offers talk therapy, which involves discussing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to identify patterns and develop coping strategies. Therapists use various modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and more to help you manage mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress-related issues .

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in mental health. They can prescribe medications and provide therapy. Psychiatrists are essential for managing conditions that might benefit from medication, such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia . They also offer psychotherapy and can help you decide if medication is necessary .

When to See a Therapist

  1. Preference for Talk Therapy: If you prefer to start with talk therapy, a therapist might be your best option. Therapy alone can be highly effective for many mental health issues .

  2. Mild to Moderate Symptoms: If your symptoms are manageable and not severely impacting your daily life, seeing a therapist can help you develop strategies to cope .

  3. Non-Medication Approaches: Therapists often incorporate holistic approaches, including mindfulness, nutrition, and lifestyle changes, which can be beneficial alongside traditional therapy .

When to See a Psychiatrist

  1. Considering Medication: If you think you might benefit from medication, a psychiatrist can evaluate your condition and prescribe appropriate medications. You’re not committing to taking medication by seeing a psychiatrist; it's about exploring all options.

  2. Severe Symptoms: For conditions like severe depression, panic attacks, or bipolar disorder, medication might be necessary to stabilize your condition before other treatments can be effective.

  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: Psychiatrists can provide a thorough evaluation of your mental health, considering both psychological and medical factors, to develop an integrative treatment plan.

Integrative Care at Mind Body 7

At Mind Body 7 and our sister practice, Integrative Mind, we provide both therapy and medication management. Our psychotherapists offer specialized therapy, while our psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychiatrists manage medications. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.

Making the Right Choice for You

Deciding between a therapist and a psychiatrist is a personal choice. It's about what feels right for you and your mental health journey. Remember, seeing a psychiatrist doesn’t mean you must take medication; it’s about having all options available .

Our integrative, holistic practice focuses on combining mind-body practices, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine with traditional treatments. Medications can be a temporary aid, helping you transition to other effective treatments over time .

Choosing between a therapist and a psychiatrist depends on your needs, preferences, and symptoms. Both roles are crucial in managing mental health, and often, a combination of therapy and medication provides the best outcomes.

If you're unsure where to start, consider your instinct—do you want to explore talk therapy first, or are you open to considering medication? Either way, seeking help is the first step towards better mental health.

For more information and to explore our integrative approach, visit Mind Body 7 today.


  1. Psychiatrists: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

  2. What Is Talk Therapy? | Psychology Today. Retrieved from

  3. Seeing a Psychiatrist: What to Expect | Verywell Mind. Retrieved from

  4. Holistic Mental Health Care | NAMI. Retrieved from

  5. Mind Body 7 | Integrative Mental Health Services. Retrieved from


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