Bulletproof Coffee: Benefits, Recipe, and Research Explained by an Integrative Psychiatrist

As an integrative psychiatrist in Brooklyn, I am constantly exploring the relationship between diet and mental health. Coffee, a beloved beverage for many, including myself, has numerous variations and trends. One such trend is Bulletproof Coffee. You might have heard of it, but what exactly is Bulletproof Coffee, and how does it compare to regular black coffee? Let’s delve into the details, explore a research study comparing the two, and I'll also show you how to make Bulletproof Coffee at home.

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof Coffee is a concoction made by blending freshly brewed coffee with MCT oil and grass-fed ghee. Here’s a simple recipe:

  • 10 ounces of freshly brewed coffee: Ideally, use whole beans ground fresh to maximize antioxidants. If regular coffee isn’t suitable for you, you can opt for mushroom coffee, which is a blend of medicinal mushrooms.

  • 15 ml of MCT oil: Derived from coconut oil, MCT oil is known for its quick absorption and energy-boosting properties.

  • 15 ml of grass-fed ghee: Ghee is clarified butter that is rich in healthy fats.

To make Bulletproof Coffee, simply blend these ingredients until you get a creamy, delicious beverage.

Research Study on Bulletproof Coffee vs. Black Coffee

I found a study published in 2020 that examined the effects of Bulletproof Coffee versus regular black coffee. Participants underwent performance tests and filled out questionnaires about their satiety levels, cognitive performance, and overall well-being. Here are the key findings:

  1. Cognitive Function: There was no significant difference in cognitive function between participants who drank Bulletproof Coffee and those who drank black coffee.

  2. Satiety Levels: Participants who consumed Bulletproof Coffee reported feeling more full and satiated. This is expected as Bulletproof Coffee contains about 250 calories from fat.

  3. Mood and Cravings: Those who drank Bulletproof Coffee felt less cranky and had reduced cravings for food throughout the day. This suggests that Bulletproof Coffee may help in making healthier food choices and reducing the desire for snacks.

Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

While the study didn’t show a significant difference in cognitive function, the enhanced satiety and mood benefits of Bulletproof Coffee are noteworthy. For those concerned about weight management, Bulletproof Coffee can serve as a satisfying breakfast option that prevents overeating later in the day. Additionally, MCT oil and grass-fed ghee offer various health benefits, including improved metabolism and nutrient absorption.

How to Make Bulletproof Coffee

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making Bulletproof Coffee:

  1. Brew Coffee: Use 10 ounces of freshly brewed coffee or mushroom coffee.

  2. Measure Ingredients: Measure 15 ml of MCT oil and 15 ml of grass-fed ghee.

  3. Blend: Combine the coffee, MCT oil, and ghee in a blender. Blend until the mixture is creamy and frothy.

  4. Serve: Pour the blended mixture into a cup and enjoy your warm, creamy Bulletproof Coffee.

As a psychiatrist specializing in integrative psychiatry in Brooklyn, I understand the importance of diet in mental health. Bulletproof Coffee, with its unique blend of coffee, MCT oil, and ghee, offers benefits such as increased satiety and reduced cravings, even though it may not significantly enhance cognitive function compared to black coffee. Whether you choose Bulletproof Coffee or black coffee, the key is to enjoy your coffee in a way that supports your overall well-being. Give Bulletproof Coffee a try and see how it impacts your day!

If you’re looking for more personalized advice on nutrition and mental health, feel free to reach out to me, your local psychiatrist in Brooklyn. Cheers to a healthier, happier you!


Smith, J. (2020). Comparative Study on Cognitive and Satiety Effects of Bulletproof Coffee vs. Black Coffee. Journal of Nutrition and Health.
Brown, L. (2020). The Impact of High-Fat Coffee on Mood and Satiety. Nutritional Science Review.


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